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ASVspoof 5


ASVspoof 5 challenge now welcomes registrations!

See the details in Phase 2 Evaluation Plan








We need you!

Call for spoofed/speech DeepFake data contributors

if you are interested in becoming a contributor, send an email to






ASVspoof Workshop 2024

click here for more info

Call for spoofed/speech DeepFake
data contributorsCall for spoofed/speech DeepFake data contributor________________________________

Call for spoofed/speech DeepFake


Initial release of eval plan July 1, 2023
Phase 1  
   - registration opens July 1, 2023
   - training and development data available July 1, 2023
   - TTS/VC adaptation and input data available July 1, 2023
   - surrogate ASV/CM available July 15, 2023
   - Phase 1 CodaLab platform opens July 15 to October 15, 2023
   - submit TTS/VC spoofed data October 22, 2023
Phase 2  
   - registration opens May 20, 2024
   - training and development data released May 20, 2024
   - Phase 2 CodaLab platform opens June 05, 2024
   - progress data released June 12, 2024 June 17, 2024
   - registration deadline July 10, 2024
   - deadline to submit progress scores July 21, 2024
   - deadline to submit evaluation scores July 21-23, 2024
 ASVspoof Workshop 2024 (more info)  
   - paper submission deadline July 31, 2024
   - acceptance notifications  August 10, 2024
   - ASVspoof Workshop 2024, Interspeech 2024 August 31, 2024































 Those interested to learn more about ASVspoof are referred to

  ASVspoof 2021 journal paper

  ASVspoof 2021 results summary paper


List of organisers (alphabetical)

Héctor Delgado, Microsoft, Spain
Nicholas Evans, EURECOM, France
Jee-weon Jung, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Tomi Kinnunen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Ivan Kukanov, KLASS Engineering and Solutions, Singapore
Kong Aik Lee, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Xuechen Liu, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Hye-jin Shim, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Md Sahidullah, TCG CREST, India
Hemlata Tak, Pindrop, USA
Massimiliano Todisco, EURECOM, France
Xin Wang, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Junichi Yamagishi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan


Funding agencies 

Academy of Finland Agence Nationale de la Recherche Japan Science and Technology Agency Agency for Science, Technology and Research